How to Create Shareable Content That Catches Fire

how to create sharable content your audience will love by bridtv
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It has never been this difficult to attract the attention of your target audience as it is today. Collectively, our attention span now amounts to a mere eight seconds. Add to that the fact that around 7 million blog posts are published every day and you realize you need to go the extra mile to draw your customers.

The best way to get your brand noticed on the internet is to create shareable content. We know, easier said than done. However, as more brands are posting on social media and blogs, you need to give your best to publish high-quality content.

In today’s competitive market, only the best content will encourage people to hit “share.” Any piece of content they can find almost everywhere on the internet will be disregarded.

However, it’s not enough to just make fresh content. With the amount of content produced every day, it takes much more than that.

You must plan and create content that stands out from the crowd. You need to impress people and grab their attention. Above everything else, your customers should feel the need to share your content just by looking at it.

Although there isn’t a perfect recipe for shareable content, there are numerous steps you can follow. We’ll go over them in our article.

What Is Shareable Content?

The term “shareable content” denotes a piece of content that is so good it encourages people to share it with their family and friends. They usually share it on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, wanting it to reach more people.

All brands want to create shareable content. If they find success, more consumers will hear about their brand and purchase their products or services. However, not all of them can succeed.

You can have more chances, however, if you take the following into consideration: Shareable content becomes popular because the target audience connects with its topic or idea.

What’s more, the topic or idea of that content needs to be helpful, amusing, or interesting to attract attention. Those topics or ideas resonate with us, prompting us to share them with those who will appreciate them the most.

The perfect shareable content is:

  1. Emotional. It strikes a chord with your customers and arouses a certain feeling.
  2. Relevant to your audience. It reflects your audience and their view of the world.
  3. Trending. It follows the latest trends to join other “cool” pieces of content.
  4. Valuable. Internet users want to add value to their lives. That’s why they want posts that answer questions, provide solutions, and give helpful advice.

If you want to create shareable content, consider the above!

Why Is Shareable Content Important?

According to research, content marketing generates three times as many leads as outbound marketing. Also, it costs 62% less. This is precisely why businesses invest in content.

In fact, 84% of companies have a content marketing strategy. If they produce high-quality content, they will surely find customers who want to consume it. Namely, the average person spends around 7 hours consuming content every day.

You can have a bigger impact on the internet if you create shareable content. Here’s why shareable content is important:

  • It generates more traffic to your website
  • It increases brand awareness, ensuring more people know about your business
  • It builds up people’s trust in your brand
  • It establishes authority, positioning your business as an industry expert
  • It introduces your brand to industry leaders and influencers, creating opportunities for collaborations

When you consider the above benefits, it’s more than obvious why companies want to create shareable content. 

Useful Tips on How to Create Shareable Content

Now that we know what shareable content is and why it is important, it’s time we go over our tips. Keep in mind that these tips don’t guarantee your content will become shareable. However, they can ensure it catches fire on the internet.

Let’s check our tips!

Make Sure Your Content Tells a Story

Nothing moves people and attracts their attention like a well-told story. We all want to be exposed to great storytelling that vividly paints a picture in our minds.

Why is storytelling important when you want to create shareable content? The answer is obvious. It allows your target audience to feel like a part of the narrative. They won’t feel like bystanders, but like participants as that story will seem relatable to them.

Stories are a powerful tool. They can evoke emotions, engage customers, and encourage conversations. What is the end result? More comments and shares for your brand.

So, strive to make content that tells a story. It should have value, so that your audience understands what you wanted to achieve with it. Content that doesn’t have a clear idea won’t resonate with anyone.

When you’re in the process of producing new content, make sure it teaches readers a lesson. Once they’ve finished reading it, they should feel richer than they were prior to finding it.

Appeal to the Values of Your Target Audience

Engaging storytelling isn’t the only thing to consider if you want to create shareable content. You should also think about making content that revolves around the values of your target audience.

Your customers want to ensure that the values of your brand align with theirs. It connects them with your company, showing you’re working on the issues they care about. How can you know what your audience cares about?

You should research your target audience. Find out what it believes in and what its demographics are. Based on this, you can determine what they care about the most.

For instance, if you’re targeting young women who love vegan-friendly cosmetics, perhaps you can write about a fundraiser for animal shelters. On the other hand, maybe your audience cares about the environment. In this case, you should show what your brand does to protect it.

You can also determine the values of your target audience by examining your past content. Was there a specific value you talked about that your customers connected with? Use it to appeal to your customers!

You might be struggling to create shareable content. That’s perfectly fine. It isn’t easy to make something that will catch fire on the internet.

If you’re struggling indeed, you should analyze the latest trends. Check out what is popular on the internet as you plan out your content strategy. You can create content around those trends.

If you sell food for the animals, you can create shareable content by focusing on National Pet Day. This can spread the word about your company and products.

The point is, by creating content around current trends, you increase your chances of having a lot of shares on the internet. This can be particularly advantageous when promoting your products or services on a B2B marketplace platform, where staying alongside industry trends is crucial for successful engagement and transactions.

But how can you keep track of the latest trends? Google Trends can help you there. A quick search is all it takes for you to find the trending topics for that day. Perhaps they can inspire your content team.

Ensure Your Content Is Useful

Most companies that create shareable content will tell you that what you post needs to be useful to your customers. Before they hit share, most customers will first determine whether or not your content is useful to them and their family and friends.

How can you create shareable content that is useful? The first thing you should do is ensure your content addresses a specific problem or question. You’re probably trying to help your audience solve an issue. Make sure your content reflects that.

Furthermore, to help them, you should provide a step-by-step process about how they can solve the problem. It is here that you can include your products or services to show how they can be of use to them.

Lastly, add a call-to-action (CTA). You can invite your audience to share your post on their profiles or with someone who needs to see the information you provide.

Include Engaging Videos and Images

Videos and images can elevate your content. These two media types are popular as they help customers visualize what you’re trying to say.

According to research, an average person is estimated to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos. At the same time, the information presented in images is retained by 65% of people as compared to 10% of what they hear.

Both images and videos are highly shareable. They make your content more digestible, helping customers understand what you wrote.

Create Shareable Content Following Our Tips

While no one guarantees you’ll create shareable content right away, you now know what you need to create content that can get more shares. These tips can help you encourage people to shine a light on your brand.

So, consider our tips and focus on encouraging people to click share!