Divide Your Videos Into Sections With Brid.TV Video Chapters

Brid.TV Video Chapters
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Have you ever spent a lot of time trying to find an exact moment in a video? You’re pretty sure it’s right in the middle of the recording, but you are unable to locate it. This leaves you frustrated and probably prompts you to turn off the video. There is a high chance that your audience goes through a similar experience as well!

As a publisher and content creator, you want to make it easy for your viewers to enjoy your videos. Improving user experience is a must at the time when 55% of consumers watch online video content every day. This medium is present on every major social media network and most websites. So, you need to raise the bar if you want customers to notice you.

One way to do it is to help viewers find relevant moments in your videos fast. This will save them valuable time and enable them to return to those key points in your videos without any hitch. Make this a reality for your viewers with the help of Brid.TV’s latest feature. 

We’re introducing video chapters which allows your audience to easily navigate your content and locate specific portions of a video.

Let’s find out more about our latest feature!

Video Chapters: Navigate Your Content Without Any Problem

If you’ve ever found yourself scrubbing through a long video to locate the “good” part, you’ll appreciate Brid.TV’s new feature — video chapters.

Thanks to this option, you can use timestamps to add sections to your video. As a result, your viewers will easily jump to a specific part of the recording without having to watch other parts that don’t interest them. This feature can also be useful when your audience wants to re-watch their favorite moments multiple times.

You can add chapters to every video you upload to Brid.TV’s platform. This will break your videos into titled sections and each one will have individual previews. Your audience will love seeing video chapters because they give them more information and context!

How to Set Up Chapters

Setting up video chapters doesn’t require any technical know-how. You only need to access our CMS and follow these steps:

Step 1. Select your website from the list and click on the “Videos” section. Choose the video for which you want to add chapters to.

brid.tv cms screenshot of video management system

Step 2. After clicking on the video, new options will appear. Scroll down until you find the “Chapters” option.

brid.tv cms screenshot of video chapters section

Step 3. Start by adjusting the timestamps and then add a small description for each of the video chapters.

Step 4. Save the changes.

After this, your selected video will be divided into sections. Just remember the following rules when setting up chapters:

  • You must add at least three video chapters.
  • The first timestamp must start at 00:00.
  • The minimum length for video chapters is ten seconds.

You are now ready to use Brid.TV’s video chapters!

We hope you will enjoy our latest feature!